عمل الابحاث و المقالات الطبية MEDICAL RESEARCH AND ESSAYS
اضافة الى المفضلة٣ دينارقابل للتفاوض
الثلاثاء، ١٧ كانون الأول ٢٠١٩ ٦:٤٨:٤٧ ص توقيت شرق أوروبا الرسمي
I am a medical health professional with a large background with working in research. I am ready to make you medical meta-analysis studies and systematic analysis studies with lighetning fast speeds and with 100% accuracy. I also work with many book shops and libraries in writing medical articles and essays for medical field students. I am not the only one, but after you choose me, you will know why I am the best.
my commision is 3 jd per 1000 words.
On research my commision differs on the type and length of the research.
you wont regret choosing me.